Presentation guidelines

Instructions for Oral presentations

All oral presentations will be given in one plenary session on Monday and Tuesday.

Oral presentations slots are 20 minutes. Presenters are free to manage their time, but the presentation time should be kept to 10 and 15 minutes allowing a minimum of 4 minutes for discussion (1 minute is reserved for setting up the speaker).

The presentation should be uploaded directly in the conference room on or before the day of the actual talk, but no later than 30 minutes before the beginning of the session. The room will also be open to upload presentation from 8 to 9:30 AM the first day of the meeting (during registration and opening breakfast).

Presentations should be prepared in a Powerpoint (ppt, pptx) or PDF format and named “Lastname_firstname.ppt(x)/pdf”. The presentation room will be equipped with a computer (running Windows), a video-projector, a laser pointer and a remote (more details will be added soon concerning the equipment). The use of personal computer will be only allowed in exceptional circumstances with persmission of the organizers (a request must be made prior to the 2019 M-fed Conference & Workshop).

Instructions for Poster presentations

Posters are expected to be on display during entire meeting period. Poster sessions are held at the end of the day and can be enjoyed with a local beer.

Posters: Poster have to be displayed from Monday morning through Wednesday afternoon. Presenters are responsible for the setup of their poster in the morning and dismantling it on Wednesday afternoon before the wine tasting. Material for mounting posters on the boards will be provided in the room. Posters should be in a portrait layout in A0 format (size up to 118mm height and 84mm width). Presenters are expected to be available at their poster during time allocated to them in the program.

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