Abstract guidelines

Presentation types

We offer two types of presentations:

  • Oral: Oral presentations slots are 20 minutes. Presenters are free to manage their time, but the presentation time should be kept to 10 and 15 minutes allowing a minimum of 4 minutes for discussion (1 minute is reserved for setting up the speaker).
  • Poster: Posters are expected to be on display during entire meeting period. Poster sessions are held at the end of the day and can be enjoyed with a local beer.
Authors are allowed to submit only one abstract as first author, although there is no limit to the number of abstracts a person may co-author.
The number of oral presentation is limited, but all accepted abstracts will be offered at least the opportunity to be presented as a poster. Priority will be given to Students and Early Career Scientists for talks.

Abstract preparation

The abstracts should be prepared using the Word Template available through the following link (strictly enforced):

  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Title: 14pt, bold
  • Affiliations: 10pt, italic
  • Abstract body: 12pt, normal

Each abstract must not exceed one page in length, A4 format (21.0 x 29.7 cm), including title, authors list & affiliation and figures (+ references if necessary,). Abstracts exceeding one page will be rejected or truncated for publication.

All abstracts must be submitted in English with a quality of spelling and grammar suitable for publication. Poorly written abstract will not be accepted.

Abstract submission

Abstract submission is handled entirely by the 2019 M-fed Conference & Workshop website. You may submit your abstract by visiting our abstract submission page.

We appreciate the authors following the guidelines provided. Please only use the template provided (Word Template). Make sure you check (and double-check) your abstract before submitting, Editing following submission is not possible.

The abstract submission deadline is Friday 14th June 2019 (at 23:59, CEST UTC/GMT +2 time).

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